Alternative Energy Outsourced Research Support

The alternative energy and renewable resources industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Investments in this area has been growing rapidly. Nearly 14% of the total electricity generation in the U.S. 2014 was from renewable sources already. That number includes conventional hydroelectric power, biomass and biofuels as well as wind and solar-energy.

Alternative Energy research, wind solar, water

The Alternative Energy Revolution is On The Way

Solar power is making great strides, with more than 100% growth last year. While wind energy grew only around 8% in 2014 it is going to increase to 12% in 2015 and 14% in 2016. With a growth rate of only around 5.4% geothermal energy is presently a minor player in the field of renewable energy power and has not kept pace with wind & solar.

Renewable Energy Infographic

No wonder businesses and companies from every industry and nation wish to be a part of this fascinating trend and are making efforts to understand the business and investment opportunities in this domain.

A recent report published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and partners showed that renewable energy in emerging economies  is growing nearly twice as fast than in industrialized nations.
You can download “Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2015”,  the world’s foremost reference document on renewable energy investment, commissioned by the Frankfurt School UNEP Collaborating Centre here:

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