Organic Pest Control – A Natural Approach In Your Garden
Are you looking for organic pest control in your garden that is less environmentally damaging, more natural and less toxic to non-targeted insects like bees, mammals and aquatic life? Good news, there is an abundance of plants that can be used for their natural insecticide properties. Over 1500 are presently being used for control of…

An English Garden And How It Has Changed Over Time
Our gardens have served many different purposes over the years; from a space to relax in, to growing fruits and vegetables, they are a useful outside addition to our homes. However, did you know that the average sized English garden has been shrinking over the years? From the years 1983 to 2013, gardens have decreased…

Garden Greenhouses – Year Round Greenhouse Growing
Year round greenhouse gardening is a simple way to increase the amount of vegetables available throughout each season. Knowing what plants to grow during each season, and how to care for the greenhouse, is an important part of growing plants successfully throughout the year. Growing greenhouse plants can be a challenge for less experienced gardeners,…

Small Changes For A Greener Home
Being environmentally responsible is down to the individual. In fact, according to Sustainable Brands, 83% of Americans said that they wanted a greener home and to make steps to live more sustainably. Your own home is an excellent place to start, even small changes can make a difference. Gaylord Nelson said “The ultimate test of…

Frequently asked questions about green energy living
Green living is much more than just buying the local produce and driving the fuel efficient cars. There are a lot of myths about green living which are required to be cleared. FAQ on green power living. Question: Will planting more trees helps lessen the global warming? Answer: This is not true in the context…

Sustainable Agriculture The Natural Resources On Your Doorstep
Sustainability is a hot term right now. We are hearing it more and more as our earth gets older and older. There is concern on where we are heading and what that may look like. So, what is sustainability? What does it have to do with sustainable agriculture? Most importantly, what does it have to…

Facts About Solar Energy Plus The Benefits
Solar power can provide electricity, hot water, warm pools, heating and even energy for cooking. Facts about solar energy… these benefits need an initial investment that will pay for itself over a reasonably short period of time. Instead of paying power companies for use of non-renewable resources, families can not only save money, but help…

Wind Energy Facts That Might Surprise You
In the following you´ll get some wind energy facts that might surprise you. Although it is much less expensive to initially get hooked into the local electric company’s grid than it is to set up and hook into wind turbines. In the long run one saves money by utilizing the wind for one’s energy needs,…

Biofuel a Source of Alternative Energy
Biofuels are produced by converting organic matter into fuel for powering our society. This biofuel energy is a great alternative energy source to the fossil fuels that we currently depend upon. What are biofuels? Ethanol and derivatives of plants such as sugar cane, as well as vegetable and corn oils. However, not all ethanol products…
AltProfits.com is an information resource for house owners keen on exploring sustainable materials and alternative energy sources.